We move vehicles to and from USA, UK & Australia
Need to import a car from the
USA to NZ?
Through our sister company, we also move cars from USA, UK, and Australia to NZ.
We can help you import virtually any kind of vehicle into and within New Zealand. We have years of experience and understand the process to make your dream a reality.
Let us help you make your car import dream a reality! Get in touch today.
We ship vehicles of all shapes and sizes! From classic cars, limited-edition vehicles, collector’s items, boats, camper vans, motorhomes, caravans, jet skis, motorbikes, agricultural machinery, horse floats & trailers. We offer shipping via containers, RORO and break bulk.
Whether you would like to import American cars to NZ, European or Australian cars, Vintage or Classic cars, we have you covered. As specialist car importers, we are able to get your dream car into NZ safely and promptly.
In order to work out how much it will cost to import a car to NZ, here is some helpful information on what is involved:
GST is payable at 15% on the landed value, which is the value of the vehicle plus freight, plus insurance.
Otherwise known as the CIF (Cost, Insurance + Freight) price.
Duty – cars are free of Duty. The cost to ship a car to NZ from the USA (for example), costs as little as $7150.00. Excluding GST for a standard sedan.
An example of the costs involved in shipping a Mustang or Challenger vehicle from the Los Angeles US to NZ based on a purchase value of US$10,000 is as follows:
Freight - $6400.00
Fumigation - $400.00
Insurance - $370.00
NZ Customs GST - $3475.00 on car
Purchase price US$10,000 and freight costs include:
US Agency Fees
US & NZ Customs clearance
MPI / Biosecurity
Customs Duty – Nil